- Sublime Text
- Coda
- TextMate
- Brackets
- Emmet
- CodeKit
- LiveReload
- Emmet LiveStyle
- Litmus Builder
- Sass: CSS Preprocessor
- LESS: The dynamic stylesheet language
- Compass: CSS Authoring Framework
- MailChimp CSS Inliner
- Premailer: Pre-flight for HTML Email
- Premailer Ruby Gem
- Grunt Premailer
- Ink: CSS Inliner
- GruntEmail
- Grunt Email Builder
- Cerberus: Simple Patterns for Responsive Email
- Mailchimp: Email Blueprints
- Ink: A Responsive Email Framework
- Sassy Ink
- Antwort: Responsive Layouts for Email
- Stamplia Email Templates
- Zurb: Responsive Email Layouts
- Super Basic Responsive Template
- Really Simple Responsive Email Template
- MiddleMail
- Middleman HAML Email Template
- Grunt Email Boilerplate
- Zenith Framework
- Improve Your Email Workflow with Modular Design
- A workflow for responsive emails using Ink and Grunt
- The Hybrid Coding Approach
- Creating a Centered, Responsive Design Without Media Queries
- Can Email Be Responsive?
- Making Responsive HTML Emails
- Modern HTML Email
- Build Responsive Emails: A Tutorial
- Create a Simple Responsive Email
- The How-To Guide to Responsive Email Design
- How to Design a Responsive HTML Email
- Responsive HTML Email: 9-step Walkthrough
- Campaign Monitor: The Ultimate Guide to CSS
- Responsive Email Support
- Litmus: Mobile Email Compatibility Guide
- Mobile Email: How Devices, Operating Systems, Apps and Engines Affect Rendering
- Responsive Design A/B Testing Leads to a 130% Increase in Clicks
- The Benefits of Responsive Email Design: A Crocs case study
- Deckers
- Why Responsive Email? Making A Case Internally
- PGE’s Move To Responsive Email Design
- Twitter
- Adpating to a Multi-Device World: A Utility Company's Perspective
- It’s time for responsive email design
- Designing effective notification emails
- Building a System for Responsive Email
- The Ultimate Mobile Email Statistics Overview
- Going Responsive With Limited Resources: A Look at Edinburgh Bicycle’s Journey
- Artsy: Some Tips for Email Layout and Responsiveness
- RWD Summit: Responsive HTML Emails
- Responsive Email Design
- Designing for the Mobile Inbox
- Mobile Email (Why, What & How)
- Email Strategy & Design for a Multiscreen World
- Litmus: Mobile Email Master Class
- STYLECampaign: Responsive Email Design
- Creating a Responsive HTML Email
- Coding for Responsive Email
- The Real Challenges of Responsive Email Design
- Responsive HTML Email
- Chrome Dev Tools
- Litmus
- Grunt-Litmus
- Email on Acid
- Emailology
- Puts Mail
- Ruby Mail Library
- Fake SMTP
- Imap Html Preview